Nurse steals credit card from a dying Covid patient: he risks dismissal

by Alison Forde

May 15, 2020

Nurse steals credit card from a dying Covid patient: he risks dismissal

Since the Coronavirus emergency began, there have been those people who, more than others, have distinguished themselves by self-sacrifice and public spiritedness. We are obviously talking about the health personnel, and in particular the nurses who, together with the doctors, are behaving like real heroes to help those who are hospitalized and fight against the invisible enemy that we are all facing.

Unfortunately, however, among the nurses there are also those who, behaving as they should never do, and decide to make money off the backs of those who suffer. Obviously, what we are about to tell you is an isolated case, and it must absolutely not make you forget the wonderful work that these people do. However, it is certainly sad to think that there are people who do not hesitate to perform gestures of such baseness.

via CNN



Danielle Conti is a 43-year-old nurse who works at Staten Island University Hospital, North of New York. At a time when, in the United States, the numbers of infected and victims of Covid-19 are incredibly worrying, it goes without saying that the situation in hospitals is critical and requires the goodwill of everyone. 

For Danielle, however, it was not so. When Anthony Catapano, a 70-year-old patient suffering severely from coronavirus, arrived in her ward, the woman thought of taking advantage of him, by stealing his credit card. That's right: they are things we would never want to read, yet that's what happened.

The nurse's "plan" was simple: the elderly man, hospitalized in critical condition, could never have noticed the absence of his credit card. Danielle, in fact, stole it and used it for 3 days before the patient died. She refueled her car and bought groceries, spending a total of around $60. A low figure, of course, but it is nevertheless a shameful act carried out by this nurse. 

Pikrepo - foto d'archivio

Pikrepo - foto d'archivio

It is intolerable that a person who should take care of those who struggle between life and death, should take advantage of her profession for mere personal gain. An inconceivable act both from a personal and professional point of view. The expenses run up by the nurse were exposed in a short time, and the story was made known by the Catapano family, who did not hold back in expressing their outrage about what had happened.

Police are investigating the episode, in close contact with the New York hospital. The nurse, meanwhile, has been temporarily suspended and is threatened with dismissal.
