Dog is left alone in a boat because the owner is hospitalized for Covid-19: the authorities manage to save him

by Alison Forde

April 22, 2020

Dog is left alone in a boat because the owner is hospitalized for Covid-19: the authorities manage to save him

Many people around the world, affected by the Coronavirus emergency, have been forced to leave their homes suddenly. Behind them, often, pets have been left alone in the house with the owners hospitalized. This was also the case for the American man who is at the centre of the story we are about to tell you.

After the first symptoms of Covid-19, the man, originally from Florida, was hospitalized. In his houseboat, however, he had to leave his faithful and beloved German shepherd alone and without anyone to take care of him. A potentially critical situation for the animal, which fortunately had a happy ending.

via Martin County Sheriff's Office

Martin County Sheriff's Office/Facebook

Martin County Sheriff's Office/Facebook

Adding difficulty to an already complicated event such as that of Coronavirus disease, the thought of his dog was really a problem for the American man. In desperation, he contacted the sheriff of Martin County and asked for help to save his four-legged friend.

With all the necessary precautions, then, after donning overalls and protective equipment, the agents managed to board the boat. Once inside, they found the German shepherd, who fortunately was healthy. Taken onto dry land, the dog has been taken in by a shelter until his human friend has fully recovered and can return to hug him.


The rescue images were posted on Facebook by the sheriff's office, and the story sparked a lot of happy user reactions. It is sad, however, to think that many animals like this beautiful dog have been left alone or worse, have been abandoned for fear that they could transmit the Coronavirus. We hope that people will realize that, in such a difficult times, we need responsibility and humanity, the only things that can help us defeat the terrible invisible enemy we are fighting soon and well.
