This man has created a shelter to accommodate older dogs who could not find a home

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 23, 2019

This man has created a shelter to accommodate older dogs who could not find a home

Often, when adopting a dog, a person can be very conditioned by the dog's age and beauty.

The aesthetic and age factors, unfortunately, have a great influence on the choice and many people prefer to adopt a cute young puppy.

But what about all those poor dogs that have not been chosen? Those dogs that did not manage to secure someone's affection? And as we mentioned, we can imagine why!

Consequently, Russell Clothier decided to help those older dogs that seemed to be abandoned to a sad and lonely fate.

via Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

This is how Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary was born, a refuge for all those older dogs who, after being abandoned, no longer found a home and a family that wanted to adopt them.

Russell has therefore seen fit to create a place where these troubled animals can live a comfortable old age, surrounded by a lot of love.

The sanctuary's name was chosen in honor of Shep, a 10-year-old dog, a mix between a Beagle and a Basset Hound, that was adopted by the founder of the project.

Shep is a very happy elderly dog ​​because he has his own sofa and can have a good time with all the other dogs every day.

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Russell has created a very informal senior dog sanctuary because he wanted his guests to feel at home. He specifically looked for and bought a house that he could renovate and adapt to serve his purpose.

In fact, he had started out volunteering in another animal refuge structure which he did for some time. And while he was there he noticed that the older dogs were very rarely adopted. It was then that he came up with an idea for a project for a senior dog sanctuary.

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place, the senior dog sanctuary house has, among other things, comfortable kennels and a special shower for the dogs, as well as a large patio that allows dogs to play and walk around freely.

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place Senior Dog Sanctuary

Shep's Place (Senior Dog Sanctuary) is a wonderful initiative to which you can contribute with a donation on the official website to their foundation which is a tax-free, 501c3 charitable organization. 
