A grandson discovers that his grandmother has never been to the sea and takes her on a memorable journey

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 15, 2019

A grandson discovers that his grandmother has never been to the sea and takes her on a memorable journey

Each of us knows that life is made of positive and negative moments, of joys, but also of sacrifices and regrets.

We often tend to postpone things we would like to do but that, for one reason or another, we avoid, then we regret not having done them.

Regrets can bring no good, and certainly, do not help us to live more serenely day after day. The story we are about to share speaks about this.

As a matter of fact, if during our lifetime, we have not had the opportunity to do certain things, it is good to remedy the situation, if we have the chance, and to seize the moment so as not to live with remorse.

Moreover, if friends and relatives can help us, then, it is even better ...

Joy is an 89-year-old woman. In her long life, she has done and experienced many things, but she had never had the chance to do something really important to her.
She had never felt the wonderful sensation of walking barefoot on the sand and of admiring the majesty of the ocean or a mountain up close.
When her nephew, Brad Ryan, learned about his grandmother's dream, he decided to give her a very special gift, one that she would never forget!
Namely, a 10-thousand-mile trip across the United States, 28 days in which the two visited 21 national parks where they marveled at the natural wonders, with, of course, mountains, included!
A real "on the road" adventure, in which Joy was happy to take part. A beautiful trip that did not end there!
In fact, since then this grandmother and her grandson have continued to travel the American roads and scenic byways, having so far, traveled 25 thousand miles through 38 different states.


Anyone who meets this elderly woman cannot remain indifferent to her contagious smile, as well as to her cheerful and enterprising spirit.

After seeing the rolling countryside, the plains, mountains, deserts, the sun, and the sea, now Joy can say that she has seen much more than she would have thought before going on the road with her grandson.

In fact, in this short period, she has eliminated the regrets of a lifetime!

Now, she certainly has no intentions of quitting! In fact, this grandmother still has a lot of adventure let in her and it is not excluded that she will not decide to take off on another trip with her grandson Brian.

Unquestionably, the travel stories of these two are already a magnificent source of inspiration for many people.

But most of all, all those who have met them, but also those people who have seen their photos on social media networks, have understood the message very well. Namely, that it is never too late - and one is never too old - to live new experiences, travel or simply dream!
