He stops smoking after many years and with the money he saves he starts traveling around the world!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

July 02, 2019

He stops smoking after many years and with the money he saves he starts traveling around the world!

It is well known that smoking is harmful to our body and to our wallets.

In fact, there are many stories of relatives, close and distant friends, or simple acquaintances who try to stop buying and smoking cigarettes, sometimes succeeding, sometimes not.

A man to be regarded as a shining example is undoubtedly Nilo Veloso, the protagonist of this beautiful and true story who prefers to spend every dime he has saved since he quit smoking, on traveling around the world!

via Globo

Nilo Veloso,  from Fortaleza in Brazil, decided that he absolutely had to quit smoking and stop wasting an infinite amount of money buying cigarettes.

In fact, 34 years had passed since Nilo first became addicted to smoking cigarettes. In the last 12 years, his consumption of cigarettes had arrived at an unbelievable quantity --- from 3 to 6 packs per day!

The situation had become unbearable, so Nilo decided to quit smoking ...  and start traveling around the world!


After months of saving his money and determined abstinence, Nilo managed to first set aside around $1,500 USD which then turned into $8,000 USD and he also lost 44 lb (20 kg), after changing his lifestyle so drastically. 

With some of the money that he had saved, he bought a bicycle and together with his wife, he traveled around the world, starting from South America!

In short, a story of courage and great tenacity that should be a shining example for all those who want to quit smoking!

