The real secret to happiness is when someone else cleans your house for you!

Doing household chores and cleaning are not really the most attractive activities we hope to do over the weekend, yet sometimes it is impossible to avoid them.
A large and lively family, a dinner with friends or a particularly demanding work schedule, can transform your house into a dirty and messy environment, forcing you to give up your free time to rectify the situation.
And indeed, as the researchers at Harvard Bussines School have pointed out, getting rid of the burden of house cleaning is really the secret to a happy life.

Researchers conducted a study on 4,500 volunteers from the United States, Canada, and the Netherlands, asking them for information regarding their hobbies and household chores.
To the question "Would you be willing to pay someone to clean your house?", one-third of the people (regardless of income) said yes, citing as a reason the possibility of engaging in more satisfying activities.
Subsequently, a part of the participants was given a voucher of 40 dollars to spend at the cinema, in a restaurant, going shopping or for house cleaning. Results: those who chose the latter option were revealed to be more enthusiastic and satisfied with their choice.
The very idea of suddenly having extra time to spend on their favorite activities was able to lower their stress levels and worries.

In short, according to what has emerged from this research study, the next time you want to give a gift to a person, do not go for clothes or fun activities! Just pay for a few extra hours of house cleaning ... and you will surely make them happy!