"Love cures, hatred kills" this is the precious lesson of a medical genius

According to a great medical professional, Jacinto Convit, love has the extraordinary ability to heal our body. A greatly shared and acceptable reflection, don't you think?
A feeling of hate, on the other hand, inevitably leads to a state of depression and exhaustion, from which it is difficult to re-emerge without a strong and valid pretext, and which consequently, slowly kills our mind and our body.
Jacinto Convit has devoted his whole life to the pursuit of well-being - a man who has taken care of his patients to the end and who has devoted his life to working as a doctor.
via Jacinto Convit Organization

Dr. Convit has received several awards for his very important scientific discoveries (first and foremost, the leprosy vaccine) and during his long career he has always firmly followed a great proverb that we believe is appropriate to share with all of you:
"Love heals, hatred kills. Never hate again, love and you will see that your life will flow like clear water."
A precious message that speaks of love and that everyone should keep in mind as much as possible, also in the most difficult moments of life.