12 adorable photos showing how hard being a parent can be!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

May 28, 2019

12 adorable photos showing how hard being a parent can be!

We all remember and we all know that childhood is probably the moment in our life when we can express our personality one hundred percent, free from conditioning, too many rules or fears of the consequences of what we do. 

The beauty of children is that they think outside the box, discovering, and testing firsthand whatever comes to mind. 

The maximum of joy then? Not always, and the following 12 photos that we are going to show will testify to that!

In fact, the carefree and joyful moods of children do not always translate into peace for their parents.

Just look at these little "gems" of everyday parenting to realize the truth of this observation.

Nevertheless, they are inevitable moments in the growth of a child and, looking at them, they are also really very funny!

1. "I know that I told you not to eat with your hands ..."

1. "I know that I told you not to eat with your hands ..."

stickysalad / Reddit


2. Fatigue can suddenly catch up with you ...

2. Fatigue can suddenly catch up with you ...

Ghands / Pikabu

3. A blanket made with pillows and a pillow made with a blanket: An original idea!

3. A blanket made with pillows and a pillow made with a blanket: An original idea!

Shkmstr / Reddit

4. "My cousin has just announced that he is cooking ... money that he cut up in a pot!"

4. "My cousin has just announced that he is cooking ... money that he cut up in a pot!"

hanisshamimi252 / Reddit

5. Changing diapers in public bathrooms can become a real nightmare ...

5. Changing diapers in public bathrooms can become a real nightmare ...

6. Careful, Dad!

6. Careful, Dad!

megion13 / Reddit

7. Right and left are not always clear concepts ...

7. Right and left are not always clear concepts ...

contrejo / Reddit


8. "My daughter found my nail polish and is deciding where to put it ..."

8. "My daughter found my nail polish and is deciding where to put it ..."

a-Black-Hole / Reddit

9. William's "dream" is a little worrying ...

9. William's "dream" is a little worrying ...

NotTheOldRat / Reddit


10. Next time, it would be better to put the notebook a little bit higher ...

10. Next time, it would be better to put the notebook a little bit higher ...

ivegotbeef / Reddit

11. Hey!? What was wrong with the cup?

11. Hey!? What was wrong with the cup?

TheeGHutch / Reddit


12. Wild parking ...

12. Wild parking ...


What do you think? Have you ever had any experiences like these as a parent?
