People born under the sign of Cancer are the most anxious sign, so always tell them how important they are to you

by Shirley Marie Bradby

April 02, 2019

People born under the sign of Cancer are the most anxious sign, so always tell them how important they are to you

Whoever believes in astrology and horoscopes knows very well that each zodiac sign has its own precise characteristics, its strengths, and its defects, that combine to make it unique among the others.

Those born under the sign of Cancer, for example, are often people who are worried and anxious, and who, therefore, need to be reassured and shown daily signs of affection.

The best way to make individuals like this feel good is to frequently tell them, "I need you" and "I love you".



When it comes to relationships, the best companion for a Cancer is someone who knows how to make them forget their worries and gives them constant assurances that everything is ok. Being appreciated and always being able to handle situations and living up to expectations are among the "obsessions" of this sign. Their soul mate, therefore, becomes the person who is capable, with small and large gestures, of instilling in them a sense of security and stability. 

This might suggest that Cancers are individuals who only take, but instead, it is exactly the opposite. Precisely because of this lack of confidence in themselves they feel like they never give enough, so they try to compensate by giving a lot, or giving too much. For those who are paired with a similar type, the problem becomes absurd because neither feels that they are able to reciprocate sufficiently, thus fueling further uncertainty in the other who also does not feel as comforted as they would like. 

It is easy to pass from anxiety to paranoia, assailing a companion with questions, looking for answers that can eliminate doubts. A Cancer is always afraid of making mistakes, of doing too much or too little, they are extremely sensitive, sometimes they do not share their emotions for fear of others' judgment while others put everything out there in the open without any kind of filter.



Wanting to make a super simplification, we can say that those born under the sign of Cancer are a real "mess", creatures with a delicate soul with a host of complex feelings and a very fragile heart. In spite of everything, it is certainly worth having people like that in your life, because they are also capable of enormous generosity and immense and unconditional love. 

Giving love to a Cancer companion means being reciprocated, at minimum, with double the affection and gratitude. Being born under the zodiac sign of Cancer means always living with a certain amount of anxiety, but you must always remember your own value, and wait until someone who can appreciate you comes along.
