Sometimes indifference is the most intelligent answer we can give

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 17, 2019

Sometimes indifference is the most intelligent answer we can give

There are situations in which the best answer is --- not to answer. Not only that: It is even better to just pretend like nothing happened, and go on your own way.

Especially, if by responding - with words or gestures - in those situations, we feel it would not have a positive result.

In those cases, ignoring the situation allows us to protect our own and others' emotional as well as physical well-being, and not worsen a situation that is already heated.

Despite an attempt to de-escalate a situation, it can still be very difficult, above all, because many of these moments of tension can be linked to toxic personal relationships.



Ignoring people and situations is the most intelligent answer when

  • 1. The criticisms are not constructive and we have not asked for anyone's opinion; 
  • 2. Bad intentions are hidden behind the actions or judgments of others; 
  • 3. We are troubled about something that is beyond our control; 
  • 4. Someone wants to show off by making unpleasant comments about us; 
  • 5. There are those who do not want to allow us to grow and improve because they are jealous.

It is a good idea, therefore, to distance ourselves from all those people, words, actions, and feelings that are hostile and toxic towards us. Perhaps, at the beginning, it will not be easy, but if we are able to do this then we will obtain great results in terms of emotional and psychological well-being.



It can be even more difficult is to forgive someone after they have said too much, as a result of a moment of anger.

First of all, everyone should strive not to be the cause of pain to others; sometimes, however, it can be stronger than us and we can let fly some regrettable words. It must, therefore, be stressed that forgiveness does not give someone the right to be offensive again. Moreover, if we inflict harm, it is necessary to be able to forgive oneself, recognizing that we were wrong, and trying to learn from our mistakes so as not to become slaves of remorse.

Not to forgive means instead to not allow ourselves the possibility of being happy, because we can become slaves of our own rancor and negative feelings, encouraging the incongruity of the situation; a scenario that can be avoided only by ignoring and forgiving when it is right to do so.
