The 9-eye test: the one that attracts you most can reveal something about your personality

by Shirley Marie Bradby

October 25, 2018

The 9-eye test: the one that attracts you most can reveal something about your personality

When one says that the eyes are the mirror of the soul, one is absolutely not saying something that is exaggerated. In fact, eyes are able to transmit or to glimpse unconscious vibrations or images, so strong that they can make people shiver.

In fact, there are people who have such a magnetic gaze that it is impossible to avoid staring at them; others, on the other hand, have one so deep that it is able to make us feel uncomfortable and embarrassed

Here we exploit precisely the evocative power of the eyes, and propose a short visual/psychological quiz! Just take a look at the series of eyes in the figure below, and choose the one that attracts and stimulates you the most. Then read what it reveals about you!



 Number 1. - If you have chosen the first eye, you are probably a very instinctive and courageous person, who throws themselves with passion into experiences without paying too much attention to the consequences. Each new project is a growth opportunity for you, and you welcome it with passion. The only drawback is that you are perhaps too caring in regards to others as you are always available for listening and helping them without asking them in turn for help when you are in need. 

Number 2. - This choice denotes a very analytical person who pays careful attention to detail and tends to investigate the circumstances and the possible consequences before making a decision. You have no problem living in solitude, in fact, you voluntarily seek it because it gives you the opportunity to reflect in tranquility. Moreover, you are much more self-confident than you appear to others, and often risk being underestimated. 

Number 3. - You are a very creative and imaginative person, who has interests and habits out of the ordinary. Sometimes this can lead you to be considered "strange", but basically you do not care much about the judgment of others. A negative note? You are very untidy ... but since you do not really care, this is not a problem for you. 

Number 4. - Your personality is rather mysterious and complex, not only for others but also for yourself! Mood swings are the order of the day, and this creates problems especially with new acquaintances since your old friends have learned to accept you. You are always inclined not to judge people superficially, probably because you are also very analytical ... and with a tendency toward too much self-criticism. 

Number 5. - Sensitivity is your hobbyhorse, in fact, it is not uncommon for you to notice things long before others, because you are inclined to observe, "feel", and empathize with others. But this leads you to be more vulnerable, as you risk being hurt by the gestures or words of those around you. You know very well the feelings of both profound joy and sadness, and do not hesitate to have a cleansing and liberating cry when you need it --- and this does you credit! 

Number 6. - You are too attached to the past, or at least there is something or someone who still casts a shadow on your present life! You are not good at leaving everything behind you, and old experiences - especially negative ones - still hurt you. You are a very strong person and you know how to face difficulties with determination, but you tend to keep things inside yourself, and this slows down the process of overcoming them. Open up with someone, it will definitely do you good! 

Number 7. - The impression you make on others is important to you and since you are a good and well-balanced person, you want others to notice this. You cannot stand or tolerate injustice, malice, and unkindness, and for this reason, you try to compensate by trying to behave in the most correct and altruistic way possible. Some advice? Try not to worry too much about how others judge you ... You are a beautiful person and you have nothing to prove! 

Number 8. - If you have chosen this eye, certainly you do not lack passion and energy! In fact, you are able to sustain work rhythms that would be unimaginable for most other people! You love unconditionally and the words "I cannot" are not in your vocabulary. The only contraindication is that this desire to always be doing something can create anxiety and the inability to relax! Having a lot of energy is a good thing, but try to control it so as not to be overwhelmed by it! 

Number 9. - If you have chosen the last eye, you are the friend that everyone would like to have. You are well-balanced and you know how to analyze situations and give lucid and very useful opinions. You do not like those who double cross others, in fact, you are particularly transparent and honest with yourself and others. Only one word of advice --- even if you are a perfect friend and confidant, take a break when needed and ask that others also listen to you!
