10 cars parked in the wrong place and their owners paid dearly for the mistake

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 15, 2018

10 cars parked in the wrong place and their owners paid dearly for the mistake

Those who live in a high-density housing area will certainly understand the sense of anger mixed with disdain that you feel when you see a car parked in the wrong place, or worse still a vehicle that takes up several parking places at once, causing great inconvenience.

Usually, you end up insulting the disrespectful motorist by sitting in your own car and cursing, but not everyone is so diplomatic.

In fact, when someone exceeds the limit of decency, there are those who cannot just stand by and let it happen, but instead, decide to implement some small but perfidious vendettas.

1. Suggestions of a certain level

1. Suggestions of a certain level


"Thank you for parking like an "idiot".  Please do not reproduce!"


2. Let's see how you get out now ...

2. Let's see how you get out now ...


3. It will take a while to clean THIS up! ;)

3. It will take a while to clean THIS up! ;)


4. Birds have exacted their own sweet revenge!

4. Birds have exacted their own sweet revenge!


5. Parking in front of a fire hydrant?! A very bad idea!

5. Parking in front of a fire hydrant?! A very bad idea!



6. A nasty surprise for the owner, but they will have to appreciate the accuracy!

6. A nasty surprise for the owner, but they will have to appreciate the accuracy!


7. Someone left their car parked in the place allotted for motorbikes!

7. Someone left their car parked in the place allotted for motorbikes!


"There's something wrong with your bike. It has too many wheels! Want me to call a garage?
 Signed: A motorcyclist in a place reserved for motorbike parking."


8. You managed to occupy three places ... so the parking fine should be multiplied by three!

8. You managed to occupy three places ... so the parking fine should be multiplied by three!


9. He was given a prize for the best parking ever!

9. He was given a prize for the best parking ever!



10. Motorcyclists can be very vindictive ... and in cases like this, they are well justified!

10. Motorcyclists can be very vindictive ... and in cases like this, they are well justified!

