Discover how to use and clean kitchen sponges!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

June 30, 2017

Discover how to use and clean kitchen sponges!

We all have a sponge in the house to wash dishes, so why not take a closer look at this object? 

In this article, you are going to discover some different uses for kitchen sponges that will give you a hand in your household chores and beyond. We also recommend several tricks to keep them clean and last longer.

In short, this is the opportunity to get to know your kitchen sponges better!

1. Cut strips from different kitchen sponges and fasten them at their center with an elastic band to make water bombs! Here is what to play with in the summer instead of messy balloons full of water!

1. Cut strips from different kitchen sponges and fasten them at their center with an elastic band to make water bombs! Here is what to play with in the summer instead of messy balloons full of water!



2. To remove food scraps trapped in a kitchen sponge while scrubbing pots, soak the sponge in water saturated with salt overnight.

2. To remove food scraps trapped in a kitchen sponge while scrubbing pots, soak the sponge in water saturated with salt overnight.


3. To disinfect practically 100% your kitchen sponges just place them in the dishwasher --- they will look like they are new!

3. To disinfect practically 100% your kitchen sponges just place them in the dishwasher --- they will look like they are new!


4. To avoid ruining a wall, place a kitchen sponge under the hammer when you remove a nail.

4. To avoid ruining a wall, place a kitchen sponge under the hammer when you remove a nail.


5. Make your own ice packs! Yes, you can make your own with kitchen sponges soaked in water, placed in zip-lock plastic bags, and frozen in the freezer.

5. Make your own ice packs! Yes, you can make your own with kitchen sponges soaked in water, placed in zip-lock plastic bags, and frozen in the freezer.


Wait! The tips do not end here! We recommend watching the video to learn some other interesting things about kitchen sponges!
