Some windows have a special screw that should be turned at least twice a year to keep your house from becoming too drafty

by Shirley Marie Bradby

March 16, 2017

Some windows have a special screw that should be turned at least twice a year to keep your house from becoming too drafty

To have a warm home requires not only a good heating system or of the latest-generation radiators.

It is important in fact, to pay close attention to your windows, through which there can be substantial air infiltration that completely alters the internal temperature.

The same applies to the air conditioners used for the summer. Most modern windows have double glazing and are also equipped with a control system that very few people know about, which is crucial to their proper functioning in different seasons.

Installers often do not communicate the existence of the adjustment screws on the windows, which allow you to better deal with the summer and winter temperatures.

Installers often do not communicate the existence of the adjustment screws on the windows, which allow you to better deal with the summer and winter temperatures.


These screws are located along the inside edge of the aluminum or PVC frames.

These screws are located along the inside edge of the aluminum or PVC frames.

By turning these screws it is possible to vary the pressure between the windows.

By turning these screws it is possible to vary the pressure between the windows.

The head of the screws can be a star, Phillips (crossed) or require the use of an Allen key.

The head of the screws can be a star, Phillips (crossed) or require the use of an Allen key.

The screw adjustment must be made twice a year -- one at the beginning of winter and the other when outside temperatures increase.

The screw adjustment must be made twice a year -- one at the beginning of winter and the other when outside temperatures increase.


In winter the pressure must be increased to avoid heat loss. However, in the summer, it should be decreased to compensate for material expansion.

In winter the pressure must be increased to avoid heat loss. However, in the summer, it should be decreased to compensate for material expansion.

This is the way to make double-glazed windows as efficient has they possibily be and save on your energy bill!

This is the way to make double-glazed windows as efficient has they possibily be and save on your energy bill!

