Green, brown or blue: the color of your eyes can reveal something about yourself

by Mark Bennett

July 21, 2023

Green, brown or blue: the color of your eyes can reveal something about yourself

What is the first thing that usually catches our attention when we look at a person's face? Most definitely, it's the eyes. We often hear the expression that "the eyes are the mirror of the soul", and it does seem that personality traits can be linked to eye color - at least, according to some.

There's a near-infinite range of eye color shades, however we can create 3 main groups: green, brown or blue eyes. Which of these categories do you belong to?

Pickpik - Not the actual photo

Pickpik - Not the actual photo

We all have unique features that make us special. Whether it's a haircut, the shape of our nose, the way you walk and much more. These features make us "unique". Additionally, these features can tell us something about our personalities.

For example: what color are your eyes? Knowing this could be important to understanding your character, temperament and personality.

The 3 major eye color categories (green, brown, blue) can reveal something hidden or unknown about yourself. Are you ready to find out?

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Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Brown eyes. This is the most common eye color and is due to a higher concentrations of melanin. Those with brown irises tend to be calm and patient. Brown-eyed people do not easily trust others, but once trust has been established, brown-eyed people can be incredibly loyal.

People with dark brown eyes (or some other brown-like shade) do not give up easily in the face of difficulties. Additionally, they tend to be reliable and responsible individuals.

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Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Green eyes. This color is extremely beautiful and seductive in the people who have them. Green eyes are associated with those who have a lot of self-confidence, pride, genuineness when relating to others and try everything to achieve their goals.

The stubbornness of people with green eyes is a well-know trait, but this is by no means a negative thing - quite the contrary. Being stubborn and proud, helps green-eyed people achieve their goals.

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Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Blue eyes: whether shaded celestial, azure or deep blue, blue-eyed people hide a kind soul and a selfless, bubbly personality. Blue-eyed people are loyal and sincere and inspire trust in others. Anyone lucky enough to have a relative or friend with blue eyes knows what a good friend they can be.

Which of these three groups do you belong to? Have you found a link between the color of your eyes, these characteristics and how you are in real life?
