Santi Serra - a horse trainer with a special technique! Just look at what he can do! AMAZING!

by Robert Maggi

January 30, 2016

Santi Serra - a horse trainer with a special technique! Just look at what he can do! AMAZING!

Santi Serra is the name of the Spanish horseman who trains and manages horses in a way that has never been seen before! He says that the time required to establish respect, trust, and harmony between him and a horse is about six months to a maximum of one year.

In the beginning, he gives them his commands from the ground, then, only when he feels he has inspired enough trust and respect, does he climb into the saddle and actually ride his horses. He spends many hours with the horses in silence or in the dark, because in that way he communicates with them, creates a bond, a connection that allows him to get these amazing results.

His goal is to make the horse always feel free; even when the horse is with him while training or performing in a horse show; to always respect and keep intact the horse's natural instincts and to make sure that the horse has fun during its training.  
