Street vendor receives an order for 1500 toffee apples, but the customer cancels at the last minute: social media users help him sell them all

by Mark Bennett

May 13, 2022

Street vendor receives an order for 1500 toffee apples, but the customer cancels at the last minute: social media users help him sell them all

Everyone earns their living as best they can. And given that work is clearly the chief source of livelihood for most citizens,  the right to work is considered fundamental and is often seen as even being one's duty. Everyone should be able to work, choosing the profession or job that best suits their aptitudes - but unfortunately this is not the case in many parts of the world. There are those who, like Enrique Villalpando, earn their living by selling sweets in the street, as a street vendor, and who does not always manage to bring a lot of money home. If we also add to this that some people can be really mean-spirited, then we can understand how Enrique struggles to move forward. In particular, he once had to deal with a customer who had ordered a very large number of sweets from him, but who, in the end, canceled the order at the last minute and without paying the poor man a dime.

via Facebook / Luis Alvarez

Facebook/Luis Alvarez

Facebook/Luis Alvarez

Enrique Villalpando sells handmade sweets on the street and, in particular, seems to be a master of toffee apples. A customer placed an order with him for 1,500 toffee apples and he, of course, gladly accepted the order, especially considering the profit he would make from the sale. Naively, however, Enrique trusted that customer and didn't ask for any down payment for the order. Just as he finished making the last toffee apple, the customer called him to ask him to cancel everything. Also, the customer said that he would no longer pay Enrique. It was a really tough situation for Enrique, as he had invested a lot of time and money to make up the order. What was he supposed to do with all the toffee apples?

Facebook/Luis Alvarez

Facebook/Luis Alvarez

Seeing his desperate father, Luis Enrique Villalpando Alvarez, the street vendor's son, tried to help him by spreading the story of what had happened to his father on social media. Luis's post, complete with photos, immediately went viral and today has had more than 10 thousand views - a clear sign that the sad story affected many followers. In the post, Luis explained that his father had invested a lot of money to fulfill the order, but that at the last moment, the customer canceled everything without even paying him for the raw materials. In the post, the young man appeals directly to his followers, asking them if anyone would like to buy some toffee apples:

"Good afternoon friends, I am writing to offer you toffee apples at 8 pesos each. A few days ago, someone placed an order with my father for 1500 apples and then canceled at the last moment. So, if you could help us recover something of what my father has invested, I would be most grateful, from the bottom of my heart".

Facebook/Luis Alvarez

Facebook/Luis Alvarez

The reaction from the internet was not long in coming and, in no time at all, many, many people had asked for information on how to buy Enrique's toffee apples. In a short time, numerous requests arrived from all over Mexico and Luis was able to sell all the toffee apples that his father had prepared.

It started out as an unpleasant situation, but then things worked out in the end - so much so that Enrique not only got back the money he had invested, but he gained new clients and started his own, new toffee apple business. We are delighted for this hard-working father!
