She says she has Coronavirus and coughs on the supermarket vegetables on purpose: the police arrest the woman

by Alison Forde

April 06, 2020

She says she has Coronavirus and coughs on the supermarket vegetables on purpose: the police arrest the woman

We cannot know what passes through the heads of many people during this destabilizing period due to the spread of Coronavirus. Despite everything, however, most of us continue to have strong nerves and, albeit with some difficulties, manage to comply with the restrictive measures adopted by their respective governments to limit the risks of contagion. Then, there is a whole slice of the population that instead of staying at home and worrying about their own health and that of others, takes part in the "challenges" of TikTok and goes around licking toilet bars or spitting on supermarket products. There is nothing more disgusting and dangerous in this moment of our lives.

via Local12

This time it happened in Pennsylvania, in the supermarket belonging to the Gerrity's Supermarket chain: a 35-year-old woman, Margaret Cirko, was arrested on terrorism charges. The 35-year-old deliberately began to cough and spit on fresh products stored in the supermarket's refrigerated counters, in the bakery and meat area. The woman was already known to the local authorities for being a brawler and this episode adds to her long record.

Facebook / Gerrity's Supermarket

Facebook / Gerrity's Supermarket

It was probably just "a strange joke in bad taste" said all the staff of Gerrity's Supermarket but, in any case, the supermarket chain preferred to act with caution in respect for everyone's health. The risks involved are too high to be able to take the matter lightly: all the food contaminated by the woman was thrown away and the store employees sanitized and disinfected all the departments that had been "infected". The wasted food that amounts to about $ 35,000, but which has allowed the supermarket to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of its new protocols. By acting in this way, Gerrity's has demonstrated, by giving an example, how people's health is absolutely in the foreground compared to profit. 

Facebook / Gerrity's Supermarket

Facebook / Gerrity's Supermarket

All store employees worked hard to clean and get new products on their shelves in the shortest possible time. The lawsuits against the woman will certainly continue. In addition, Gerrity's absolutely wants the woman to be given a swab to check whether she has Coronavirus or not.

These days, therefore, we must not only worry about the virus, but also about the stupidity of the people.
