Women with strong personalities usually prefer to be alone than be with someone not "worth their time"

by Shirley Marie Bradby

January 23, 2019

Women with strong personalities usually prefer to be alone than be with someone not "worth their time"

Being a woman today is an extremely complex thing because never before has the confusion of roles in the couple, in the family, and in society been the catalyst for so many conflicts and difficulties.

Often the price to pay to affirm one's individuality is to set aside love and emotion, even though one would think that individuality would be considered to be an enrichment and a new resource.

Consequently, relationships are the space in which a woman finds herself having to make the most choices and renunciations. Instead, meeting someone interesting should be transformed into an opportunity to add value to the lives of both parties.

via Psychology Today



A strong woman is not afraid to spend time alone, especially if the alternative is to be in bad company.

There is no need to go out often or create a glamorous social life to feel happy, fulfilled or at peace. Being selective in what one does and in the people one socializes with means exercising a real form of personal freedom.

When such a woman deliberately chooses to be with someone then every moment becomes even more precious and meaningful. The strength of a woman lies in her ability to manifest her femininity without ever renouncing her dignity and independence.

Thinking or wishing to be a strong woman is a very different thing from actually being one.


The main characteristics of a free and self-confident woman:

The main characteristics of a free and self-confident woman:


  • She knows how to stay open to new encounters while being happy also to be alone with herself
  • She knows how to dedicate her time and energy to the people who really value and appreciate her efforts, and who also know how to return this love. 
  • She knows that being single does not mean being "alone" 
  • She does not waste time on dubious people when they reveal themselves for what they really are 
  • She is aware of what and who people really are and understands when someone is not sincere or wants to deceive her. 
  • She knows what respect, honesty, and kindness mean and she transforms her words into real action and not just intentions   
  • She knows when to say stop when a relationship becomes toxic. Waiting for the situation or the partner to change only serves to postpone the inevitable, delaying the happiness of both parties. 
  • She knows that being alone is much healthier than being part of a toxic relationship 
  • She has the courage to chase her dreams 
  • She knows it is important to be what you want to be and not what others want you to be 
  • She knows that life should not be wasted and does not let anyone take control of hers 

Remember: There is nothing wrong with chasing your dreams and always being yourself.
