A study reveals that people over 40 might be more productive if they only worked 3 days a week

by Shirley Marie Bradby

November 15, 2018

A study reveals that people over 40 might be more productive if they only worked 3 days a week

Although labor laws can vary greatly depending on the state of residence and the company, the life of the vast majority of people is usually occupied mainly by work, specifically for a number of hours that is generally around 40 per week.

This, as we know well, does not leave much time for personal interests and affections, since in our free time we often have to deal with the house, errands, and the unexpected

If you also think that this amount of free time is really too limited, now science seems to agree with you! In fact, it would appear that working 25-30 hours a week is ideal, especially after reaching 40 years of age.

via bbc.com



This research was conducted in 2016 by the Institute of Applied Economics and Social Research at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

The researchers analyzed a sample of 3,500 women and 3,000 men by subjecting them to cognitive tests that included reading aloud, counting numbers forward and backward, and making associations between letters and numbers within a few seconds.

Analyzing the performances, the researchers came to the conclusion that three working days a week are beneficial for preserving cognitive functions which allow a worker to be more productive.

The time that is "lost" by reducing the working hours, is in fact, gained through productivity, since a worker who is less stressed and tired will be more creative and focused.



Obviously, we are not advising you to print this article and present it to your boss, also because we do not believe he or she would agree to give you two free days a week starting tomorrow!

Nevertheless, this data can be useful to you when making a decision about increasing your working hours or whether or not to accept working extra shifts on the weekends. 

Working longer does not necessarily mean working more, it is quality that matters. And quality depends not only on a worker's skills, but also on their mental freshness, will, and passion for work. These are all things that a worker who is stressed or under excessive pressure certainly cannot have.
