Fast, efficient, no cash grocery shopping with Amazon GO!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

February 13, 2017

Fast, efficient, no cash grocery shopping with Amazon GO!

Enter a supermarket, pass your smartphone over a scanner, do your shopping and leave with your groceries without ever having to pull out your wallet.

This is the idea proposed by Amazon GO with its latest generation of shopping centers. Just download the appropriate application to scan the QR code that appears on your smartphone, pass it over the scanner at the entrance and you can do your shopping without the hassle of having to line up at the checkout or pull out your wallet.

Thanks to a mix of complex algorithms, computer vision, and sensor fusion technology your smartphone is able to detect everything you take (or put back in place) and to build a virtual shopping cart. 

When you leave the store you will be automatically charged the cost of the items that you have put in your virtual shopping cart! What do you think of this new way of shopping?
