Are you a keen observer? Find the baby hidden in the picture

by Mark Bennett

August 01, 2023

Are you a keen observer? Find the baby hidden in the picture

Are you someone who tends only to glance at things in the vicinity, without taking the time to take in details? Details are important, and they can help us form a much more accurate picture of what is going on in our surroundings.

In some circumstances, it's necessary to look really carefully to see something which, at first glance, does not appear to be present. In this vein, we want to offer you below a visual test in which you need to identify a hidden object. Ready to put yourself to the test?

A newborn baby is hidden in this optical illusion... try to find the baby as quickly as possible.

Find the baby hidden in this picture...

Visual brain-teasers are very useful for testing our powers of observation, forcing us to look beyond surface appearances. Having the goal of finding something hidden in an image, is excellent training for our powers of observation. The image in this article is much more "crowded" than you might initially think.

At first glance, it is a lakeside landscape (or perhaps a seaside one), with a beautiful tree of complex shape, and two people standing on the shore staring at the horizon. So far nothing seems strange: a clear image and an image that instills peace and calm. But wait: what would you say if we told you that there was another person in this image?

We are not joking and, if you focus, you will surely be able to spot them. Look again and try to spot the hidden person!

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Optical illusions are real brain-teasers that help us keep our minds sharp. Taking on these challenges is a great way to keep our minds stimulated and our observation skills sharp. So, don't give up on this challenge immediately.

We're about to reveal the solution, but if you want a few more minutes, go back up to the image and take a closer look.

And if you really can't find the hidden infant, the solution is outlined and made clearly visible below.

If you want some more time, go back to the image: we are about to reveal the solution here.

If you want some more time, go back to the image: we are about to reveal the solution here.


Did you find the baby? Were you fooled by the optical illusion or was your brain able to decipher the puzzle right away? In any case, you can now see how the branches of the tree frame the shape of a newborn baby (curled up in the fetal position and with his hands in front of his face). Impossible to miss now, isn't it?

This optical illusion test is a demonstration that our brains tend to rush to create meaningful patterns from our immediate perceptions, but sometimes, more subtle details, patterns and shapes are not so easily spotted - as is the case here.

Did you manage to solve this optical illusion brain-teaser?
