Horse and rider make an entrance -- the judges are left speechless. Wow!

by Shirley Marie Bradby

August 28, 2016

Horse and rider make an entrance -- the judges are left speechless. Wow!

Horses are one of the most fearful animals and despite their size and physical prowess, just a light gust of air, or a strange noise in the distance is enough to arouse their suspicion and anxiety.

Dressage is a highly skilled form of riding performed in exhibition and competition where the horse and rider are expected to perform from memory a series of predetermined movements. 

Even just one sudden improvised reaction from the horse is enough to lose a competition. With this exhilarating performance, these two, the horse Esmeralda and her rider and owner Will Rogers have surpassed all the canons of perfection!

In fact, the horse shows no fear of the loud and crinkly tarp as it is moved around them in the arena where they perform -- as long as her owner Will Rogers is close to her!
