A teacher begins to undress standing on her desk: What she does is ... very instructive! :)

by Robert Maggi

February 19, 2016

A teacher begins to undress standing on her desk: What she does is ... very instructive! :)

What you see is not the usual school scandal video denouncing or highlighting some further degradation of our modern day school system! No, this is an original method of teaching created by Debby Heerkens, a biology teacher who lives and teaches in a Dutch town in the Netherlands. Ms. Heerkens teaches her students anatomy wearing special clothes that show a diagram that outlines the muscles, skeleton, and internal organs of the human body!

According to Ms. Heerkens, at first, the students were shocked and amazed that she was taking off her clothes, but what she wore underneath was fun and interesting; and, it definitely got and kept their attention! Mission accomplished!
