How many dogs do you see? The answer may shed light on your mental age

by Mark Bennett

July 28, 2023

How many dogs do you see? The answer may shed light on your mental age

Our "true" age is not simply that which we are assigned based how many years we've been alive, but is rather more akin to our "mental age", an intriguing aspect of human psychology. Each of us has an inner self that can seem significantly different to our chronological age. This fascinating subject has been explored in depth by Alfred Binet, an esteemed French psychologist, who has devoted his career to developing a series of tests to better probe and understand this complex topic.

It is in this context that we invite you to participate in one of these tests. It's an opportunity to explore and reveal where your mental age stands in relation to your actual age. Look closely at the picture below and count how many dogs you see. Before answering, look carefully at the image because your answer could reveal a lot about your mental age, which is often surprisingly different from your chronological age. You are ready? Remember your answer for the analysis phase.

via Namastest

If you identified 4 dogs: You are between 20 and 25 years in mental age. Your mind is young, fresh and you have a personality attentive to aesthetics and art. You love simplicity and prefer to be left alone.

If you saw 5 dogs: With 5 dogs, your mental age is somewhere around 25-30. Your distinctive characteristics are transparency, clarity and frankness, both in the personal and professional spheres of your life.

Are none of these your answer? Don't worry because the options certainly don't end here.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

If you saw 6 dogs in the picture: In this case, mentally you are between 30 and 40 years old. You are mature, reliable, thoughtful, cautious, do not seek attention and avoid situations that are considered risky.

If you found 7 dogs: In this case, you have a mental age of between 10 and 20 years old. You are open, friendly, down-to-earth, and a lover of company. Enjoy your youth!

How many dogs did you see? Does the result reflect how you feel about your mental age or were you surprised?
