A young woman defends her master's thesis hours after giving birth

by Cylia Queen

June 18, 2020

A young woman defends her master's thesis hours after giving birth

Giving birth and defending her thesis is not something that Elisa Floreani expected to do all in one day. Expecting parents perhaps would like to think that they have control over when the baby comes, but in most cases it's entirely unpredictable. That's why, when Elisa went into labor the day before she was supposed to defend her master's thesis, she decided to take fate into her own hands. 10 hours after giving birth, Elisa defended her thesis and passed with flying colors. In a span of 48 hours, Elisa experienced the joy of becoming a mother and graduating for the second time! 

via Messaggero Veneto

Facebook / Elisa Forleani

Facebook / Elisa Forleani

Those 48 hours were full of emotion, and no one could be more satisfied with themselves than Elisa. Not only did she successfully give birth to a healthy baby boy, who she later named Riccardo, she also received a perfect score on her thesis's exam. When Elisa first went into labor, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to pull it all off. For starters, she worried about the hospital's internet connection and wasn't sure it would be strong enough to support a videocall. She also wasn't sure how she'd be feeling after giving birth, given she had no idea what to expect. Everyone at the hospital, however, encouraged her to at least try, otherwise she would have to wait a few more months before she could graduate. 


And with a little encouragement, and a good internet connection, Elisa passed her defense with a perfect score and is now a graduate of the University of Udine.

And with a little encouragement, and a good internet connection, Elisa passed her defense with a perfect score and is now a graduate of the University of Udine.


It appears as though little Riccardo wanted to create a bigger challenge for his mother, given she made passing her defense look so easy! Having already received a degree in business administration, Elisa has proudly obtained her second degree in Early Childhood Education.

We hope nothing but the best for Elisa and Riccardo. Considering Elisa has already shown what she's capable of doing in stressful situations, we have no doubt that Elisa will go on to do great things!  
