The owner of a bar peels off the banknotes stuck to the walls by customers and uses them to pay employees

by Alison Forde

May 10, 2020

The owner of a bar peels off the banknotes stuck to the walls by customers and uses them to pay employees

Since the global crisis triggered by the Coronavirus began, many people have lost their jobs or had to close their businesses overnight. Health risks, bans, isolation and social distancing have unfortunately caused worrying repercussions for the economy, and the recovery will certainly not be simple.

Fortunately, however, in the midst of so many problems, there are people who have decided to roll up their sleeves and put themselves on the side of those who, at this moment, suffer more than others because of the pandemic. Just like Jennifer Knox, owner of the Sand Bar, Tybee Island, Georgia, a place that, for a long time, was characterized by a peculiarity: its walls were covered with many dollar bills, left there by customers. Money that has now found a new destination.

via CBS Local News

CBS Local News/Youtube

CBS Local News/Youtube

For years, the walls of this bar have been decorated with banknotes: it was a distinctive feature of it. With the pandemic and the lockdowns, however, pubs, restaurants and bars have had to close their doors and this has led to inevitable and huge loss of earnings. Losses that worry both managers and employees of many premises.


Since the word is getting out, thought I’d share it here! The Sand Bar is going to have a fresh new look, while giving...

Pubblicato da Jennifer Knox su Venerdì 27 marzo 2020

This also happened at the Sand Bar, and Jennifer was no longer able to pay the salary to her employees. So, looking around, she thought that help for those who had lost their jobs was already there, under her eyes, for some time: the dollars hanging on the walls

Jennifer Knox/Facebook

Jennifer Knox/Facebook

With the help of other volunteers, she collected the notes one by one, counted them and evenly divided them between four bar employees and two musicians who often played there, now left unemployed. The total? About 3700 euros: certainly not a huge amount, but still an important help, even if only for the gesture it represents. Jennifer, in fact, with great generosity, decided to change the look of her place to cheer up people who really needed it. 

CBS Local News/Youtube

CBS Local News/Youtube

 A small act of kindness and humanity that bodes well, in a period in which hope is something we all need very much.
