To those who are still going to work everyday during the health crisis: thank you for everything you do

by Cylia Queen

April 22, 2020

To those who are still going to work everyday during the health crisis: thank you for everything you do

With almost the entire world in lockdown, we've finally seen a decrease in the number of new Coronavirus cases. The decision to close everything up, however, hasn't come without repercussions. Almost all non-essential businesses have been closed down, leaving many people without a way to support themselves financially. Luckily, many governments have already offered financial help to their citizens. For them, it's a sacrifice worth taking if it means keeping everyone safe.

Then, there are those who work in what are considered "essential" industries; although they qualify for the same benefits, they still have to go to work everyday. 

via Time

Phil Gradwell/Flickr

Phil Gradwell/Flickr

That's why we've decided to extend a big "thank you" to those who still go to work every morning during the health crisis. And we're not just talking about people who work in the medical sector; without bank tellers, postal workers, and employees who work at supermarkets and pharmacies, we'd be completely lost without them. 

It's people in these sectors that have to risk their health everyday just so that we can still have access to money and items that are essential to our daily survival. 



Everyday, these workers put their health at risk. Although they have the choice of staying home, they go to work anyway, because they're making a difference in the lives of everyone around them. They could contract covid-19 at any given time and yet they still go to work everyday.

They deserve a big thank you from all of us, because they are risking their health for the rest of us.   
