Do you have eagle eyes? Find the 3 hidden faces in this picture

Observing is something we all do constantly. Looking around, examining what surrounds us, admiring the beauties of nature is habitual. But how good is our eyesight? Although we all see much, not all of us are able to grasp every nuance and detail of what we are looking at.
For example, how well will you do in this test? There are many images that are created specifically to test and stimulate our powers of observation. The secret lies in constantly testing yourself, in order to keep your brain active and exercised.
In the visual puzzle that we offer you below, you have just 30 seconds to find the 3 faces hidden in the image. Don't let first looks fool you. Watch in hand... let's go!
If you have good observation skills, you will be able to find the 3 hidden faces in just 30 seconds.

It's not the case that everyone has good observation skills. All of us, except in specific cases, can sees what surrounds us in general, but how good are we at seeing every detail? There are some who succeed in doing this, but it is not all that common a skill. That's why, as with anything, you need to practice. And this is where these tests come in handy.
Do you think you can rise to this challenge? The important thing is focus and concentrate to find the three hidden faces.

Pickpik - Not the actual photo
Hurry up... the time is passing quickly. We want to help you a little, though.
We told you to go beyond first impressions. The hidden faces are not as large as the one you see at first glance. Search hard and don't give upe.
The 3 faces are positioned in such a way as to confound superficial observation. Focus on details that seems insignificant. This is how visual tests are solved. And if you've run out of time, here is the solution:
And here's the solution!

The red circles highlight the position of the three faces that were hidden in the beard, nose and hair. Although there was not much time, we are (almost) certain you succeeded. Are we right?
If you managed to solve the puzzle, we must congratulate you - you are an excellent observer. And if you didn't succeed, keep practicing with us.