Courageous and strongly impulsive: those born under the sign of Leo do not know half measures

by Alison Forde

April 05, 2020

Courageous and strongly impulsive: those born under the sign of Leo do not know half measures

Loved and hated at the same time, followed, revered or repudiated, those born under the zodiac sign of Leo (July 23 - August 23) are rightly considered the real kings of the zodiacal system; he who was born in this period of great summer heat is lucky: he belongs to a very strong sign of fire, and as a distinctive feature, he does not like half measures: it is as he says or there is no other possibility. Here are some of the major characteristics of Leo.



 They have a great love for life: each of their gestures or actions is a hymn to strength, positivity, to the irrepressible joie de vivre.

They have a strong sense of duty: if they have to do a job they do it, without ifs and without buts; in fact those born under the sign of Leo tend to never complain, even if their duty must involve important sacrifices.

They are very sure of themselves: it is difficult to face everyday life without being invested by the willpower of those born under this powerful sign; they are so confident in themselves that every obstacle is dealt with more easily.

They are generous: unselfish and always available, the Leos are among the most open and generous people you will ever know in your life, we are more than certain!



They are very impulsive: they possess so much ardor in their character that often they do not act rationally but with too much impulsiveness; this can sometimes be a gift but also leaves the possibility to make mistakes. 

They have a healthy sense of jealous and are very protective: they will always tend to protect those they love, and therefore in life, and especially in love and strong friendship, they are the most jealous people you will ever meet.

However, they are truly courageous people: they have courage beyond the norm and this, despite many defects such as impulsiveness, is worth more than any other quality!

One thing is more than certain: don't let those born under this zodiac sign escape ...they are unforgettable!
