This dog had been waiting for its owners for 4 years, always in the same place: in the end they came back to get it

by Alison Forde

July 10, 2021

This dog had been waiting for its owners for 4 years, always in the same place: in the end they came back to get it

Dogs, as we know, are considered "man's best friend", due to their extreme fidelity and gratitude towards the human beings who decide to take care of them. A dog has an infinite love for his family and every owner knows that he can count on his puppy forever. Despite this, stories of abandonment are not rare: the little dogs left "orphaned" feel a great sense of emptiness and often struggle to find the joy of wagging their little tails. Fortunately, there are many families who gladly adopt abandoned dogs on the street or in kennels, managing to give them a new home and new love. A dog's loyalty is easy to measure, especially when we consider some of the stories we have been told; in this one that we want to share with you, the dog Leo waited for 4 years always in the same place, where his family had lost him. He had been waiting for a long time, even though, in the end, he has chosen to live with those who have truly shown him love and care.

via Dog Thailand

Dog Thailand

Dog Thailand

Poor Leo was left near a gas station in Thailand, probably due to a distraction. Since then, however, his family never found him, despite searching for him. Yet, that faithful little dog remained every day of his life in the exact spot where his family momentarily forgot about him. Was he hoping that one day they would come back for him?

Dog Thailand

Dog Thailand

The locals soon noticed the presence of that sweet little dog and thought of helping him, as he seemed a little bit in trouble. The locals never really left him alone, and one woman in particular took care of him the most. Saowalak, a 45-year-old woman, even took Leo home with her to feed him well and let him rest. The dog, however, always tended to run away and return to the same place. In the end, Saowalak did not force the dog to live with her, but tried to bring him food every day, so that he was always okay.

Dog Thailand

Dog Thailand

The woman, however, was not the only one worried about the future of that little dog: Anuchit Uncharoen, decided to publish some photos of the dog on social media, in a desperate attempt to find his family. In the description of the photos, she mentioned how the dog had remained in the same spot, waiting for its owners, for at least 4 years now. It was thanks to the "magic of the internet" that the dog Leon, whose real name was actually BonBon, found his original family. But this is where an unusual event happened or, perhaps, one that simply confirms how much a dog's loyalty is directed towards the human who most of all treated him with love. 

Dog Thailand

Dog Thailand

When the dog eventually found "his" family, in fact, he then chose to stay by of the woman who had fed him and taken care of him every day. The family agreed that Leo / BonBon would stay with his new owner, pledging to contribute to the cost of maintaining the animal.

A dog that, unlike many others, was lucky to meet goodness in other people!
